The following shall be and are hereby declared to be the fire limits:

The West half of Blocks 22, 27, 34, 147, 162, 175, and 190 and the East half of Blocks 33, 148, 161, 176, and 189, in the City of West Plains, Meade County, Kansas.

(Ord. 171; Ord. 354A; Code 2013)

Every building hereafter erected or enlarged within the fire limits shall be enclosed on all sides with walls constructed wholly of stone, brick, tile, terra cotta, concrete, or cement block, except as otherwise provided by this article; provided, that on the East side of Blocks 175 and 190 and on the West side of Blocks 189 and 176, buildings may be constructed with stucco exterior. A building permit must be secured from the City before the construction, erection or repairing of any building is begun.

(Ord. 171; Ord. 219A; Code 2013)

Small frame outhouses not exceeding 150 square feet in area and 8 feet in height and temporary one-story frame buildings for use of builders may be built within the fire limits, provided, however, that such buildings shall not be located within 20 feet of any other building.

(Ord. 171; Code 2013)

No frame building shall be moved from without to within the fire limits. For the purpose of this article a building shall be classed as frame when the exterior walls or portions thereof are of wood; also, a building with wooden framework veneered with brick, stone, terra cotta, tile or concrete, or covered with plaster, stucco or sheet metal shall he classed as a frame building.

(Ord. 171; Code 2013)

Any frame building within the fire limits, which may hereafter be damaged by fire, decay or otherwise to an amount greater than 50 per cent, exclusive of its foundation, shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed.

(Ord. 171; Code 2013)

All buildings hereafter erected within the fire limits shall have the roof, top and sides of all roof structures, including dormer windows and mansard roofs, covered with incombustible material. No existing wooden shingle roof within the fire limits shall be renewed or repaired with other than incombustible roof covering.

(Ord. 171; Code 2013)